Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fancy Awards and Such

Wow... I've never won anything before. This is exciting! Last night I was having dinner at Applebee's with my wonderful husband and I got an email from a new friend I met through twitter. Her name is Jana and her blog is .  The email said "click on this link I gave you an award". So thanks Jana! Now its my turn to return the favor.

The award is called the Stylish Blogger award: Here are the rules:

Here are my responsibilities:
1. Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award. (done)
2. Share 5 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
So here are five things you’re all DYING to know about me.

1) I am a chef. I love to cook. I can take any recipe and change it into the yummiest thing you have ever tasted.  Try me: Tell me what you want to cook and I will send you one of my personal recipe's.
2) There are times when I am watching the Disney Channel and I look up and notice that the kids aren't in the room. Yes, I admit it.  I watch kids shows.
3) I cry over everything. Even commercials. The Publix ones are the worse. I start bawling as soon as they come on.
4) As of last night I have 3 tattoos! They are becoming an addiction for me. 
5)I have worked for a vet for 15 years now. (not the same one).  I love animals!

My bloggers I want you to check out that I’m awarding this prestigious award to are…

1) Bethy...  She is a new mom to a handsome baby boy. She is learning as she goes and keeping a record of it! I know you will enjoy it as much as I do.

2) Melisa... She is training to run the peachtree roadrace this July and she is keeping us up to day with her thoughts. The ups and the downs.  Enjoy!

3) John... He is an actuall counselor and he writes alot on family and how to stay a family. He has a great point of view and he makes me think alot about the way I do things.

4)  June... . She is a wonderful woman with a terrific christian look at things. She is a very talented writer.

5) Tara... she's not new, but shes new to me! I look forward to reading her blogs as well as her 100 word entries.  I know you will love her!

Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your awards!


  1. Yay! I hope you'll post more pictures of the new tattoo :)

  2. Wow! Thanks! You said such kind things about me! I am humbled. I like your writing, too!

  3. thanked you on twitter...gonna thank you here!!

  4. June and John, You are both very welcome...
    Jana, Stay tuned for my next blog...
